
Thursday, 23 August 2018

Sadness is light blue tears falling down your eyes.
It smells like dead birds rotting on the cold ground. 
It tastes like the air right after an animal dies.
It sounds like the last chirp of the bird 
It feels like the last soft feathers
The bird head is falling
It lives deap down in my stomach.

The Gizmo

Me Niko and Zi  were out pig hunting it was foggy our pig dogs names were flex dodge slash and feral .we stooped a boar and the dogs trailed barked they stop down in the gully Zi saw a thingamajig Zi garbed it seed Gizmo Zi pest a biotin then
lave whet every where dirt was flying every where then the
world spilt a part the how world was tarn a part the grand
was again lave was spreeing we saw a hill we run up the hill
Niko spilt i garbed his hand
when we got there the dogs wher all ready up there then the wold
tern in to gravite falls we saw the mystery shack we saw the tree journals  we read them all the Zi thorn hiff we pres the potion
the world will tron back to nomil then zi pest the pootin    

DEAR Matua

Dear Matua,

At home I have been making dams down at the stream near my Nanas house. I've been digging holes as giant as a car,  geting so dirty that I had to hose my cloths down. 

at school what i really liked is free time. Watching dogs bailing
 boars real life videos and one boar was. Tall as my dad. 

Nga Mihi 

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Then deadly escape

When i was in the blazing hot sun, I was thirsty, I saw dust
Explosively coming towards me. Out of the dust I saw bulging horns charging at me.  I started to run then i saw a wounded Rino underneath a shady tree. I ran to it, i had nothing to help save it. But then I thought to myself, “i know a place to go to save it!” I saw a peas of paper be side the Rhino  it said how to tame rinos then i. Started to tame rinos i new how to communicate with Them i made them to kare the wounded. Rino then i just
Remembered there were  guardians there was no way
To get. Past them there was only one way war or being
There slaves for eight days. we done being there slaves it was eight days later then they never us a deadly
Secret they  forced us to jump in with. Deadly snakes

We said no you are criminals we started to charge at them. Then we bolded the guards offer we head to The  gate we made. A hole in the gate then the gate held then