
Friday, 14 September 2018

Video game review of Rage

Game: Rage 

platform: Xbox1 and Xbox360 

Genre: First Person Shooter

The difficulty rating of this game is 5

The aim of the game is to take out as many bad guys as you can. You have to recreate the world and protect your people from the enemies. Your character is a random guy who looks dumb.
The smoothness of the game is a bit lagy, so you have to go off then back on to reconnect. The story is to recreate the world. The multiplayer is better because you can work together with others. When you play on multiplayer its easy. I would rate this game overall with five stars because cops and the army can learn skills. I would recommend for 11 years old and over.

Thursday, 23 August 2018

Sadness is light blue tears falling down your eyes.
It smells like dead birds rotting on the cold ground. 
It tastes like the air right after an animal dies.
It sounds like the last chirp of the bird 
It feels like the last soft feathers
The bird head is falling
It lives deap down in my stomach.

The Gizmo

Me Niko and Zi  were out pig hunting it was foggy our pig dogs names were flex dodge slash and feral .we stooped a boar and the dogs trailed barked they stop down in the gully Zi saw a thingamajig Zi garbed it seed Gizmo Zi pest a biotin then
lave whet every where dirt was flying every where then the
world spilt a part the how world was tarn a part the grand
was again lave was spreeing we saw a hill we run up the hill
Niko spilt i garbed his hand
when we got there the dogs wher all ready up there then the wold
tern in to gravite falls we saw the mystery shack we saw the tree journals  we read them all the Zi thorn hiff we pres the potion
the world will tron back to nomil then zi pest the pootin    

DEAR Matua

Dear Matua,

At home I have been making dams down at the stream near my Nanas house. I've been digging holes as giant as a car,  geting so dirty that I had to hose my cloths down. 

at school what i really liked is free time. Watching dogs bailing
 boars real life videos and one boar was. Tall as my dad. 

Nga Mihi 

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Then deadly escape

When i was in the blazing hot sun, I was thirsty, I saw dust
Explosively coming towards me. Out of the dust I saw bulging horns charging at me.  I started to run then i saw a wounded Rino underneath a shady tree. I ran to it, i had nothing to help save it. But then I thought to myself, “i know a place to go to save it!” I saw a peas of paper be side the Rhino  it said how to tame rinos then i. Started to tame rinos i new how to communicate with Them i made them to kare the wounded. Rino then i just
Remembered there were  guardians there was no way
To get. Past them there was only one way war or being
There slaves for eight days. we done being there slaves it was eight days later then they never us a deadly
Secret they  forced us to jump in with. Deadly snakes

We said no you are criminals we started to charge at them. Then we bolded the guards offer we head to The  gate we made. A hole in the gate then the gate held then

Friday, 27 July 2018

Wild Boar Chase


When I was speeding down on the zipline in my bag was a boar that was sleeping and my dog. I was going to scare the school with the boar. When I got to my school I was waiting for the classes to come out to eat. When they came out the boar was awake. I let it out of the sack and it chased the students around and around.

Then, when i was hiding behind a classroom my dog was getting ripped up. i rescued my dog from the boars tusks that were like massive hooks  I went to my under water lake house to stitch my dog up. I saw the boar roaming near the water's edge, I saw my 44 magnum rifle resting on my couch.  I took it to my boat then i shot The Boar in the kill shot, right in the temple. Then i put it in the freezer for two days, then i put it up on my wall.  I learned to never to bring a boar to school. Ever again!


Friday, 8 June 2018


Halo, Wales is part of the United Kingdom and the Island of Great Britain.

The population of Wales is over 66 million people!

The country of Wales is said to contain more castles per square mile than any other country!

In Wales they speak English and Welsh. Halo is hello, Diolch is thanks, and Sut wyt ti is how you ask how someone is.

Hwyl fawr, thats goodbye!

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

poem fighting

crashing bombs
bullets firing
people falling 
Turks hiding
full of blood
people sceaming

Monday, 9 April 2018



Thursday, 22 March 2018

king fishing of the roks

ME and Zi whent to catch yeollotail for big king fish of the roks
and we cort heps of yeollotail and then  Zi cort a masef king fish  and the i cort a kahawai and it was a big kahawai and i accidentli dan 
my drag rong and i diwisted  i had lost my wite the thats spostpe in my reel
and then Zi let me youse his rod and when he past me ther was a
big king fish on and it was hord to reel in.

Wednesday, 21 March 2018


Maitai bay

When we got to matiai bay we whent for a swiim and the we plady kapcha the flag and the we saw a pig that was a girly whith some baby pigs.

frozen t ishir we all had frozen t ishirts that wher fresing coold and niko tride to stop me from waking it with the bat.

on thursday we saw tais dad that had is boat and i whent on the second half and the boat was olread there ad we where troling the louse be hind the boatand havter we wher troling the louwds we stardid to cath snaapa and niko cort the second bigst snaaper and i cort the.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

kiwi report


Kiwis have little wings. They used to fly but stopped because there were no predators.
They have brown feathers that are spiky. Kiwi have little eyes, a long beak
and nostrils at the end. They smell bad, I mean kiwi really smell bad.
Kiwi  can grow to the size of a chicken. The eggs are 120mm long and 80mm wide. The female have a low pitch call and the male is a high pitch call.


Kiwi have many predators like rats, dogs, cats, stoats, ferrets and others stuff. They have very soft chest they have strong legs you haft to hold them by the legs. Only the  cats and dogs can get the adult kiwis . Theres only 6 brown kiwis and kiwis can  run fast.


Kiwis can make large eggs, Kiwis live between 25 to 50 years old kiwis lay eggs between july and january the male kiwi. Sits on the eggs for 65 to 85 days 95 of kiwis die beror in the wild breeding.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018


On camp on thurs day i saw tais dad wit his boat and i went on the 2 half we chrold the lows be hind the boat and you could see the kahawai` jumping up and then we stared to use malit and i cort the biggst snappar

Monday, 19 February 2018

The big king fish

me and Zi went fishing donw at the whaf in mangoui and Zi let me have a tron on his fishing rod we put a little bait on the hook we waiting 5 mints and the rod was screming hard out and it took me
20 minits to reel it ing and it was a king fish it was 12 and a half
bound the end